Solar Egg Incubator Price in Kenya

Incubator hatcher fully automatic Kenya

Full Automatic Chicken Incubator Hatching Eggs Solar Powered Chicken.

The FarmHatch 64 eggs is our smallest fully automatic digital egg incubator and hatcher. We have the best prices in Kenya

What is the difference between an incubator and a hatcher?

The incubator comes with setter trays where the eggs rotate from day 1 to day 18 combined with hatching basket where the eggs are placed between day 18-21. The hatcher is an egg machine where eggs are placed between day 18-21

What temperature should a fully automatic incubator be?

Temperature for automatic egg incubator should be  37.6℃ ~ 38.3℃.

How do you use a full automatic egg incubator?

Place the incubator in calm room free from wind. Set the right temperature 37.8℃ and humidity 65% and set in the eggs

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